class Yeager::RouterHandler(T)


Yeager::Router with handler support which will call the provided block if there is a match with the route processed. Takes Type argument for the block arguments, it must be a Proc with required argument types. Return value is not used so passing Nil would be enough.


require "yeager"

# Create router handler instance with (-> Nil) block type
router = Yeager::RouterHandler(-> Nil).new

# Define your routes with paths and blocks to call (a.k.a callback)
router.add "/foo", ->{ print "Hello from /foo!" }

# Run a route on router handler which will return nil or an
# Hash(Symbol | String => String) if there is a match and will call
# the provided block for the path
router.handle "/foo" # -> {:path => "/foo"} and prints "Hello from /foo!"
router.handle "/bar" # -> nil

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Yeager::Router

add(path : String) : Nil add, handle(url : String) : Yeager::Result? handle, handle_multiple(url : String) : Yeager::Result? handle_multiple, run(url : String) : Yeager::Result? run, run_multiple(url : String, once : Bool = false) : Array(Yeager::Result)? run_multiple

Constructor methods inherited from class Yeager::Router

new new

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def add(path : String, callback : T) : Nil #

Adds provided path into the routes and the callback to handlers

For given example;

require "yeager"
router = Yeager::RouterHandler(String -> Nil).new
router.add "/foo/:hello", ->(name : String) {
  print "Hello #{name}!"

Routes will be;

{"/foo/:hello" => ["foo", ":hello"]}

and Handlers;

{"/foo/:hello" => Proc(String -> Nil)}

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def handle(url : String, params : Bool) : Yeager::Result? #

If path found executes the handler with parameters if params value is false, empty_result will be passed as params

require "yeager"

r = Yeager::RouterHandler(Yeager::Result -> Nil).new
r.add "/:name", ->(params : Yeager::Result) {
  p "Hello #{params["name"]}!"

r.handle("/user", params = true)

will print "Hello user!"

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def handle(url : String, params : Bool, *args) : Yeager::Result? #

If path found executes the handler with parameters and provided arguments if params value is false, empty_result will be passed as params

require "yeager"

r = Yeager::RouterHandler(Yeager::Result, String -> Nil).new
r.add "/:name", ->(params : Yeager::Result, user_type : String) {
  p "Hello #{user_type} #{params["name"]}!"

r.handle("/user", params = true, "test")

will print "Hello test user!"

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def handle(url : String, *args) : Yeager::Result? #

If path found executes the handler with provided arguments

require "yeager"
r = Yeager::RouterHandler(String -> Nil).new
called = false
r.add "/", ->(name : String) { p "Hello #{name}!" }
r.handle "/", "user"

will print "Hello user!"

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