class Yeager::HTTPHandler


HTTP handler for Yeager::App which will use the provided routers (for each HTTP method there is a separate HTTPRouters instance) and handlers which are holding the handler functions for related paths for a given HTTP method.

on #call if there is a match with the provided path and the method this will invoke the provided handler with request, response which are in order HTTP::Request and HTTP::Server::Response

Handlers can be defined to handle non of the arguments or only the request or both of them.

If the requested method is not supported yet response NOT_IMPLEMENTED will be returned with status_code 501

If there is no match in the router for given path and the method then NOT_FOUND_TEXT will be send as body with status_code 404

This handler uses HTTP::Handler which can be used as a handler in an already existing HTTP::Server instance.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : HTTPRouters, handlers : HTTPHandlers, runners : Array(Handler)) #

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Instance Method Detail

def call(ctx, h_index = 0, p_index = 0) #

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def call_next(context : HTTP::Server::Context, code = 404, text = @options["not_found"]) #

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def options : Hash(String, String) #

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def options=(options : Hash(String, String)) #

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