class Yeager::Router


Simple router implementation for Crystal, named after "Router Man" - William Yeager. It supports basic router requirements with speed but not battle-tested.


require "yeager"

# Create router instance
router =

# Define your routes
router.add "/foo"
router.add "/foo/:hello"

# Run a route on router which will return nil or an
# Hash(Symbol | String => String) if there is a match "/foo"       # -> {:path => "/foo"} "/foo/world" # -> {"hello" => "world", :path => "/foo/:hello"} "/bar"       # -> nil

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def add(path : String) : Nil #

Adds provided path into the routes

For given example;

require "yeager"
router =
router.add "/foo/:hello"
router.add "/bar"

Routes will be;

  "/foo/:hello" => ["foo", ":hello"],
  "/bar"        => ["bar"],

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def handle(url : String) : Yeager::Result? #

Alias for #run

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def handle_multiple(url : String) : Yeager::Result? #

Alias for #run_multiple

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def run(url : String) : Yeager::Result? #

By using the run_multiple splits the provided url, and walks over routes until find a match and will return the parameters (if defined in the route) in the first match with the :path in a Result instance, if not found a match will return nil instead.

Result will include the matched :path and the parameters.

For given example;

require "yeager"
router =
router.add "/foo/:hello" "/foo/world"

will return a Result instance with following content;

  "hello" => "world",
  :path   => "/foo/:hello",

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def run_multiple(url : String, once : Bool = false) : Array(Yeager::Result)? #

Splits the provided url, finds same sized routes and walks over all of them. Will keep matched ones in an Array, which will include the parameters (if defined in the route) in the first match with the :path in a Result instance, if not found any match will return nil instead.

For given example;

require "yeager"
router =
router.add "/foo/:hello"
router.add "/foo/:bar"
router.run_multiple "/foo/world"

will return an Array of Result instance with following content;

    "hello" => "world",
    :path   => "/foo/:hello",
    "bar" => "world",
    :path => "/foo/:bar",

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