class Yeager::App


Yeager::App uses Yeager::Router to handle HTTP requests on a given (or created) HTTP::Server instance

App mimics the Express.js but not feature complete which only provides basic functionality with sugar helpers

It holds provided routes and handlers in separate hashes with requested method (defined in HTTP_METHODS)

It can create an HTTP::Server and attach the created Yeager::HTTPHandler with #listen method but also the #handler can be used on an existing HTTP::Server

Simple example would be;

app =

app.get "/" do |req, res|
  res.send "Hello world!"


which will create a HTTP::Server and start listening on port 3000 defined in DEFAULT_PORT and will response with Hello world! for requests coming to / with status_code 200

Router part supports the same feature set of Yeager::Router also extends req and res to provide similar functionalities of Express.js

app =

app.get "/json" do |req, res|
  res.json({"foo" => "bar"})

app.get "/:name" do |req, res|
  res.send "Hello #{req.params["name"]}"


Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def all(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def delete(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def get(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def handler : Yeager::HTTPHandler #

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def head(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def listen(port = DEFAULT_PORT, host = DEFAULT_HOST) #

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def listen(port = DEFAULT_PORT, host = DEFAULT_HOST, &cb : -> _) #

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def options(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def patch(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def post(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def put(path : String, &cb : Handler) #

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def routers : Hash(String, Yeager::Router) #

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def use(&cb : Handler) #

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